Class Features
Approach: This class incorporates gentle, relaxing poses that not only provide a good workout but also cater to various skill levels. Different pose variations will be offered to ensure inclusivity and adaptability.
Who's Invited: This class is open to participants of all levels, from beginners to seasoned yoga enthusiasts. All ages, from teens to the elderly, are welcome. It's important to note that classical yoga may not be suitable for young children due to moments of sitting in silence and quieting the mind.
Waiver: Participants will be required to sign a waiver, acknowledging the acceptance of all potential risks associated with movement and exercise. Although injuries are uncommon in a gentle yoga class, this precaution ensures a safe and enjoyable experience.
Considerations: This all-level class is not recommended for individuals with severe acute symptoms, such as a severe back injury, osteoarthritis, or advanced MS. Personalized sessions with appropriate yoga therapy professionals are more suitable for addressing these conditions. Also, those recovering from recent surgery or severe injuries might benefit from waiting until their body has initially healed before beginning the yoga reconstructive journey.
Class Structure
Initial Relaxation: Disconnect from the busy mind and center your focus on the present moment.
Breathing: Rediscover healthy breathing habits through deep and abdominal breaths.
Warm-up and Stretch: Prepare your body with a warm-up and stretching routine.
Yoga Poses: Explore a variety of poses, including lying down, sitting, and standing.
Final Relaxation: Conclude with a 10-minute guided relaxation, allowing for a serene and rejuvenating finish.
Potential Benefits of Regular Practice
Stress Reduction
Improved Sleep
Enhanced Posture
Relief from Back and Joint Pain
Improved Respiratory Function
Increased Daily Energy
Sharpened Mind Clarity